Classification of waste

The waste generated by the college consists of industrial waste from education and research activities and general wastes from business activities.

Among industrial wastes, those that are explosive, toxic, infectious, or otherwise harmful to human health or the living environment are classified as “specially controlled industrial wastes” and are subject to stricter disposal methods than ordinary wastes.

Center for Environmental Science manages specially controlled industrial waste.

For information on how to dispose of general waste and other industrial waste, please refer to the website of the Safety, Health and Environment Committee (for internal use only).

reference : 京都市:廃棄物の適正処理ガイドブック (

Specially controlled industrial waste

specially controlled industrial waste

solid waste

Inorganic solid wastes and inorganic sludge generated from education and research activities are collected once a year and consigned to a contractor for disposal.

If you wish to dispose of your waste, please fill out the “Solid Waste Disposal Application Form” available at Center for Environmental Science and submit it to us.

liquid waste

Experimental wastewater generated from education and research activities is divided into organic and inorganic liquid waste for disposal.
Processing and disposal is outsourced to an external contractor.

organic liquid waste

Processing and disposal is carried out several times a year.

Please apply through the web-based application system during the application period.

inorganic liquid waste

Processing and disposal is conducted once a year.

Please apply through the web-based application system during the application period.